Midea has launched its new high specification Vertu Plus wall mounted series with exceptional energy efficiencies across the range.
The premium Vertu Plus, with unique V-shaped design, has recently been introduced to the UK & Ireland market alongside the new BreezeleSS+ RoundFlow cassette. In addition to these two new products, the complete RAC & LCAC range of split systems has also been updated and improved for Q3/2021. Updated models include RAC consoles, LCAC compact cassettes, ceiling & floor-mounted, and ducted units as well as a full new range of outdoor condensing units.
Available from 2.6kW to 4.0kW the Vertu Plus series achieves market leading energy efficiency with a SEER of 8.6 (A+++) and SCOP of 4.6 (A++). The stylish units, with attractive mirror finish change colour depending on the mode setting; trendy mode indicators light up blue when used for cooling and orange when used for heating.
Designed to enhance user experience the Vertu Plus includes many features to improve comfort. By keeping the remote control close the ‘Follow Me’ sensitive cooling feature can measure the temperature around the user and adjusts comfort levels accordingly. An intelligent light control system with sleep function provides a more comfortable night’s sleep. The helpful ‘Louver Position Memory Function’ remembers the angle of horizontal louver and will automatically move it to the same position set previously. The units are also equipped with a handy turbo function which can boost to cool or heat a room rapidly. All Midea wall mounted units come with Wi-Fi and smart home technology as standard and the Vertu Plus is no exception, you can set the temperature from your phone, allowing you to control your environment at the touch of a button
To help reduce odours, bacteria, dust, and particles the Vertu Plus is equipped with Midea Proactive Pure Technology and high-density filters for a cleaner and safer indoor environment
Convenient installation and maintenance features include flexible 2-way drainage pipe with left or right-side connection, a unique modular design making it easy to disassemble and clean and an easy opening panel with useful hinge to keep it open when cleaning the air filter. Wiring across the range is effortless with 4 core interconnection cables used for both power and communication
A stylish infra-red remote controller is supplied as standard, and a low-cost hard-wired controller is available as an option. All units can be controlled via the Midea Air App and can be used with Alexa and Google Play voice commands.
Accompanying the Vertu Plus and the new range of indoor units is a series of new outdoor condensing units. They offer greater installation flexibility with a maximum refrigerant piping length increased up to 75m and a maximum height difference between indoor and outdoor unit of 30m. Midea UK’s responsible approach to refrigerant usage continues via their unique refrigerant contribution scheme, contributions are paid at £25kg up to every split system’s maximum piping length.
The new Vertu Plus series and Midea’s full split systems range is available now with up to 10-year warranty www.mideauk.co.uk